Guitar Master Class Contest

by Kinger

It’s Christmas time, so we’re bringing you a special post and a unique opportunity for all of you “axe-masters”, or “shredder wanna’-bees” out there in Metal land.

Demolish Magazine has teamed up with Guitar Master Class [a Swedish-based online instructional website and community] for a special holiday contest giveaway. That’s right, I said GIVEAWAY folks. Everyone knows the economy is in the dumps and funds are tight this year, so this will be perfect timing for some of you. So what’s the catch? No catch, it’s fist come, first serve.

GMC is a video lesson archive & online community. They feature tons of helpful videos, instructors, lesson and a forum for chatting with teachers and students 24/7. They also have recording collaborations where you can attend video chats + content for bass, drums, singing, piano etc. All genres and styles are covered – Rock, metal, shred, blues, jazz, country & acoustic, funk…They want you to have some fun while learning!

There are 5 full six month GMC memberships [valued @ $150 ea.] for our loyal readers! Just send us your name and email address and a short description of why you want to be the next Jimi Hendrix or Jeff Beck. That’s it. I will send the 5 lucky contest winners and they will setup your GMC accounts. When does this start? Well, if you are in fact reading this -then that means the contest has already started. Don’t put it off, NOW is the time to dust off that axe in the corner or time to plug-in that shiny new guitar your folks just bought you perhaps. So get rocking NOW!

Contest Winners will get instant access to:

-14415 videos, 2404 lessons and 41 instructors.

-Register at GMC forum – join a virtual band, chat with any instructor etc

-Backing tracks at different speeds & jam loop with every lesson

-Daily updates (average of ~10 new videos per day)

-EXTRAS: Gear-, singing-, recording-, bass-, piano- and drum lessons. GMC Theory Grimoire eBook !!!

About Guitar Master Class

Guitar Master Class is a special place where you can improve your musical skills and meet people with the same interests. The main focus is on having fun while learning because we believe that your learning curve is most effective if you have fun at the same time. Guitar Master Class also strives to inspire students to find your own unique style. To help you become a great guitarist, we have collected a crew of skilled guitar instructors from all around the world, and they are around the site 24 – 7 to answer questions and give you feedback and support while practicing.

Guitar Master Class, often called GMC, was founded March 12th 2006 by Kristofer Dahl – a professional guitarist and instructor resident in Stockholm, Sweden. GMC is run by the Swedish company Rock My Web AB, owned by Kristofer Dahl and Maria Gasch. From the beginning, the Guitar Master Class website has been developed in close coöperation with Henrik Skotth Konsult AB.

GMC grew steadily in a short period, and today thousands of daily visitors and members take part of video lessons and the friendly GMC community. One of the first lessons ever was “Curious Coincidence“.


5 Questions with GMC founder: Kristofer Dahl

What is your date of birth?

“September 12th, 1981”


“Stockholm, Sweden” states Kristofer.

How long have you been playing guitar?

“Since 1998. I picked up the guitar at the age of 10 and I started practicing seriously at the age of 18. I took regular lessons during one year learning theory with Therion guitarist Kristian Niemann. Before deciding to professionally go for a music career I studied matheology, informatics, environmental care, political science and even sport fishing”.

Could you tell us a bit about your playing and some of your influences please.

“I am fascinated by Marty Friedman’s phrasing, vibrato and unusual note choice. I love Steve Morse’s musical approach to speed picking. Allan Holdsworth’s playing is from another planet and every aspect of his music is totally unique (to me!). Eric Johnson’s approach to perfectionism and tone is something I believe everyone can learn from. Yngwie was the guitarist who opened up my eyes to what was possible on the guitar, he also has a vibrato worth checking out”!

What is the most important thing for the students at GMC?

“I believe the most important thing is how you approach learning, practicing and your own potential as a musician. Hopefully I manage to get this through in my lessons and forum participation. GMC has changed my life through the response I have received from students and instructors here – I hope the same will happen to you!”

Good luck to everyone with the contest and Merry Christmas (early)…special thanks to all @ GMC for their generosity and for providing such a great online community and a “kick-ass” instructional palace! 

Links : Metal guitar lessonsRock guitar lessons ;   Guitar Master Class

*Please take a moment to forward, Tweet or email this post to anyone who might be interested in this contest!


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